On behalf of everybody here at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary school, I warmly invite you to use our website to get a taste of the amazing and distinctive school that is St. Joseph’s.
St. Joseph’s is a wonderful and happy school where our Catholic ethos is evident to all who visit and is visible everyday as we live out our Mission Statement:
‘We love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ.’
Here at St. Joseph’s we are committed to enabling our children to be confident, independent learners by developing a range of key learning skills including resilience, independence, perseverance and teamwork.
We aim to ensure that all pupils leave St Joseph’s having developed skills, talents and intelligence, and with a sense of their own uniqueness. This encourages all children to foster high aspirations and promotes positive self-esteem, enabling them to leave our school secure in the knowledge that the world is at their feet.
I hope you enjoy our website and if you would like any more information about our school, please feel free to contact us.
God bless,
Mr Briggs, Headteacher
Welcome to our school