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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School home page

St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School

At St Joseph’s we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ

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At St Joseph’s we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ

Friends of St Joseph's

Every parent whose son or daughter is a pupil of St Joseph's becomes a "Friend of St. Joseph's". Each year, from the body of parents, a Committee is elected with four serving officers. The election takes place at the Annual General Meeting which is held late in the Summer tem. They plan all the fund raising events which take place throught the school year. This fund-raising is vital to St. Joseph's as it allows for resources that the school budget could not otherwise afford. Often the Friends of St Joseph's undertake a large fund raising project. The many social events are also important as opportunuities for parents and teachers to meet informally. New parents can find out more about the community they have joined.

Friends Events

Please find below information and flyers giving details of our next fundraising events.


  • Halloween Fancy Dress Day on Friday, 22nd October 2021. Children can come to school dressed in a Halloween costume. Children need to bring in £1


  • Race Night at 'The Life of Reilly' on Saturday 30th October 2021. Proceeds from this event will go towards updating our School Library. We hope that many of you can support this enjoyable event.