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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School

At St Joseph’s we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ

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At St Joseph’s we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ

Laudato Si

As a school we have learnt about the Pope’s Encyclical Laudato Si. We watched the animation from CAFOD explaining this encyclical. As a result of this learning, each child made a pledge to do something for our common home.


In his letter, Pope Francis stresses the importance of us working together to create a better world for those who will come after us. He wants us to take care of and value our “common home”. We understand that our children want to look after the planet. They are the best ambassadors for it. Our children are taking action.


‘Good education plants seeds when we are young, and these continue to bear fruit throughout life.’ Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ 213