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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School

At St Joseph’s we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ

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At St Joseph’s we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ

CSI Inspection Report

RE Inspection- 5th October 2018


Key highlights from the inspection include:


The Catholic life of the school is outstanding:

  • The school’s motto ‘At St Joseph's we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ’ permeates life at this school.

  •  Religious education is at the heart of the school and its curriculum.

  • The pupils are excellent ambassadors for their school and are proud to talk about it to visitors.

  • Pupils’ spiritual and moral development is carefully fostered in this school.

  • The school provides excellent opportunities for pupils to develop their call to serve others, through their involvement in a wide range of activities and events.

  • Worship and prayer are central to the life of the school and underpin its vision, ethos and commitment to its Catholic faith

  • School leaders share a commitment to the provision of prayer and worship across the school.

  • Governors are actively engaged in promoting the Catholic life of the school and are committed to continuous improvement.

  • Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school. One parent said, ‘I feel lucky to be part of this school.


Classroom religious education is good:

  • Pupil behaviour and attitudes to learning are outstanding

  • Pupils are keen and eager to learn.

  • Teaching is good with examples of outstanding practice throughout the school.

  • Staff create a positive and nurturing climate for learning for all pupils.

  • Pupils in Early Years Foundation Stage receive a strong foundation for developing their religious literacy.

  • Pupils who have special educational needs and or disabilities are well supported and make good progress.

RE Inspection Report

Click on the document below to read our most up to date Section 48 RE Report (5th October 2018)