Liturgical Year
Year of Prayer
Pope Francis has declared 2024 as the Year of Prayer in preparation for the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025
He has asked us to really focus on the prayer the Our Father. We have involved our parents in this Year of Prayer by asking them to write the Our Father in the language they speak at home. The response was amazing and we have now displayed examples from each of the countries in our school office. We have also got speaking speech bubbles where our parents, staff and children have said the prayer in their own language.
Remembrance Day
We always remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. We pray for those lost in all wars and respect the minutes silence throughout the school. We were asked to make posters for James Funeral Home and the winners were displayed in their window. We also displayed the posters at school. In addition to this, our Chaplaincy Team and some parent volunteers crocheted poppies and we sold them to raise money for The British Legion.