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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School home page

St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School

At St Joseph’s we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ

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At St Joseph’s we love, learn and live by the example of Jesus Christ

Online Learning Resources

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a digital platform used to share work, documents and key information. Each year group has their own page and own class page where teacher will share information. In the event of school closures, work is set via Teams for home learning. To access Teams, please download the mobile app or you can  access teams through a web browser using the following details: 


Times Tables Rockstar

Times Tables Rockstar is a web-based maths learning program involving carefully sequenced programmes of daily times tables practice. Activities on Times Tables Rockstars are set by the class teacher to match class Learning.  Times Tables Rockstars is used by children in Years 1-6. The children have their own logins for the website. To access Times Tables Rockstars please go to:



Numbots is a web-based maths program focussing on number knowledge. It is an add-on website to the Times Tables Rock Stars and is specifically aimed at 5-8 year olds to help develop fluency in maths skills. Numbots is used by children in Years 1-2. The children have their own logins for the website. To access Numbots please go to: 



Purple Mash 

Purple Mash is an award winning website from 2simple. Using Purple Mash children can enhance their Computing skills in a cross curricular way at School and Home. Purple Mash is used in a variety of ways at the school including creating a picture, graph, newsletter, reading stories, coding, playing educational games and much more. The  children use Purple Mash at school and save their work online. The children can then access this work at school or at home to finish any work or just share it with their families. To access Purple Mash please go to: